Streetlights appear unusually faint through my window; I really should have slept better last night. Wake up! shouts someone from a distance, but I am too exhausted to shout back. My eyes half shut, scattering all light that reaches my pupil, cant perceive which part of the town I am in, a vague sense of time tells me I should be home soon, since I have been traveling for a long time. The lights get dimmer, falling now on nothing else but the road divider, leaving everything else pitch dark. I am breathing too loud, disturbing the state of tranquility I have found, so I mellow down, getting slower, calmer, until I am perturbed no more by the sound. There are too many in the car; they will drive me to school, so I can drowse off for a while. But, I am getting really late, its already dark, and the seat next to Bela's would already be taken, the school perhaps might be over, why don't they just let me sleep instead? I hope the Maths teacher ...
Jayant Kaushik...
An account of my traversal through the realm of nature, unified with whom I shall be some day.